Monday, February 22, 2010

D. History of Photography to Digital MediaIn point form, using the following links and other resources on the Internet, respond to this blog with a brief time line of photography to digital photography.

Ancient Times - people used to make pinholes in walls so that light would make a picture in a darkened room. As time went on, telescopes were used to enlarge size of photos

18th Century - first photosensitve compund discovered that darkens in sunlight

19th Century - photosensitve paper and permanent image invented.
- Alot of chemical experiments take place
- The chemical method developed
- First Kodak camera

20th Century - black and white film
- development of strobe photography
- Fuji photo film founded
- first colour film
- first instant colour film
- auto focus sytem

21st Century - camera phone introduced
- Kodak stops making film cameras

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