Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog A
Make one to two reflective comments about the survey:
1. Fav place to work
I work at KFC
2. Fav time of day.
not the morning
3. Fav colour
red and green
4. Fav art to look at.
5. Fav shapes, lines, textures.
6. Fav way to work
7. Describe yourself
I play guitar and listen to metal. On weekends I hang out with my friends and drink.
8. Fav material/media
9. Music
- Despised Icon
- Suicide Silence
- All Shall Perish
- etc. metal
10. Friends
11. Messages - creed
12. What are you searching for?
good job
13. Subject matter: Personal / Political /Social
14. Have someone describe 3 adjectives about your style.
15. As an artist what do you feel you are communicating about yourself in your work? (Personal meaning) What are you communicating to the world around you? (Universal meaning.)

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