A A montage is an assembly of different negatives and prints, re-photographed to create a seamless image. It differs from a collage because a collage has different photographic elements to it. A montage and include repetition, juxtaposition, sequencing, appropriation, manipulation, etc.
Q 2. What is assemblage? Find three examples of successfull assemblage art pieces on the net. Save these images to your website and link to them on the web to answer how they are successful pieces.
Q 2. What is assemblage? Find three examples of successfull assemblage art pieces on the net. Save these images to your website and link to them on the web to answer how they are successful pieces.
A Assemblage is creating a three dimensional composition by putting different objects together.
Q 3. What is a photomontage? What is the principal aim of this type of media?
A A photomontage is the cutting and joining of different photos to make a brand new image.Q 3. What is a photomontage? What is the principal aim of this type of media?
4. Examine the artist links provided on the site. Take a look at their work on other links or in Wikipedia.
Q 5. How can you use mixed media to produce a montage piece at the end of this unit? BEGIN planning for this project by responding to this question. There are many possibilities for the culminating task. Here are some ideas for your planning:
- many old photographs based on a theme - creating a photomug design, bag, puzzle, t-shirt, illustrated calendar, illustrated book, scanned-drawn-photographed montage.
- current photos besed on a theme - i.e. building a sculpture of a tree around a T.V. cart out of many photos of a tree, with a sound component playing during a short video scaling a tree on the T.V. monitor.
- a short video and slide show that incorporates a sound piece to a variety of visual images in a slide show using movie maker or flash.
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